ESPM 5031


Course Mechanics

Watch This 1st, a "get started" video; documents used in video are below
Getting Started with Citrix/CFANS Cloud Desktop
Using Citrix/CFANS CFANS Cloud Desktop
Using ArcGIS Pro important notes
Screenshots-Login into ArcGIS Pro start "generic example Lab.
VPN Access from Home without Citrix/CFANS Cloud Desktop

Materials, Organized Chronologically

Week 1 -  1/16/23No class due to holiday missing Monday
Week 2 -  1/23/23       Course Introduction and GPS/GNSS basics

Compass, formats, & ArcGIS/GPS exercise; Homework 1 (due after Week 3), Geocaching (on-going)
(Intro GIS-LAB “Independent Study” if needed)

Graduate Student Project

Week 3  - 1/30/23GPS basics continued, coordinates, projection & datum (Garmin Lab)Rec/Grade lab practice and collect points, start on-going practice estimating verifying distance and Area
Week 4 -  2/6/23 Map Reading, GPS & Maps (Garmin Lab)DNR Software ,NAV exercise,  Tracks/Points collect and transfer exercise  
Week 5 -  2/13/23Differential GPS Concepts (Garmin Lab)Recreation /GIS Grade Accuracy Control Exercise; 
Week 6-  2/20/23GIS Grade Equipment basics (Trimble equipment)GIS/Grade Lab Practice and collect points, lines and polygons.  2nd Homework   (Home control points; due Week 11)
Week 7 -  2/27/23GIS/Grade Software (Trimble Juno Lab) Transfer data and differential correction
Week 9 - 3/13/23Data Dictionaries
(Trimble equipment)
Create & use data dictionaries - Trimble
Week 10 -  3/20/23Accuracy/NSSDAField accuracy lab
Week 11 - 3/27/23High accuracy GPS (GCP) UAS Ground Control Points - Basics & Practice (Trimble)Design & implement GCPs; includes geotagging & UAS processing
Week 12 - 4/3/23Test - ClassroomField Test
Week 13 - 4/10/23Field Data Form Design &Collection
/ArcGIS Collect
Field Data Form Design & Collection/ Open Data Kit (ODK) Lab
Week 14 -  4/17/23Field Data Form Design Trimble TerraflexField Data Form Design &Collection/Trimble Terraflex
Week 15 -  4/24/22Field Data Form Design & Collection/ Open Data Kit (ODK) LabCreate & deploy data collection form (ODK)
Week 16 -  5/1/23Final Project due (before
Use Terrasync, Field Maps, ODK, your choice for FInal Project
Week 17 - 5/8/23
Finals Week
Graduate Project due